Sunday, April 19, 2009

Life is Great

So I had a really good Elders Qurum lesson today that i really needed to hear. So lately everything in life has felt extra tough...everything, and like well im not being successful anywhere in my life, lol. Even thought I have felt this way i new that i was blesssed, and i was able to maintain perspective that my life really was blessed and i am actually doing realitvely really well, but things were still hard and i wasn't as happy as a used to be. So today we were talking in Elders quorum about Joseph Smith and Sections 121-122 of D&C (hehe...yeah my life hard, lol, right) and I realised from the disscussion that i was going through trials!! lol go figure. The significance of this realization for me is that now i know that it isn't my fault things are hard and that its just life....i can quit blaming myself or thinking there is something wrong with me, and just be like...hey it'll be over soon...On my mission when trials came (there were a lot so i recognized them more easily, lol) i would get excited cause i knew somthing good was about to i can be excited again, cause somthing good IS about to happen!!!!